Legacy Adventure Park

Hours of Operation

Private Play EVERY DAY!Open Play, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pmFor more information about private games, birthday parties, and company events, call 779-279-9838

Archery Tag

Archery TagArchery Tag

Archery Tag® is a bit like dodgeball, except instead of balls you use foam-tipped arrows & bows. It’s action-packed, exciting and family-friendly, engaging kids and adults alike because nobody really ever outgrows a great game of tag!

Archery Tag® is mainly played in the tree covered area at Basecamp/Registration. However, we can also bring the group out to a field for part of the booked time, if the time slot allows. Special booking is required.

Archery Tag® Game Play

Players split into two opposing teams and separated by a "Safe Zone." Each team also has a "5-Spot Knockout Target." There are two objectives:

  1. Hit the opposing team’s players with foam-tipped arrows, eliminating them from the game.
  2. Knock out the five discs of the opposing team's 5-Spot Knockout Target, also with foam-tipped arrows. For every target that is hit, an eliminated player from the scoring team may return to play.

NOTE: If you catch an arrow in your hand that was fired by the opposing team, you can bring back one eliminated player to active game play.

And no, the foam-tipped arrows don’t hurt!

Archery Tag is only available for private sessions. There is no open play of this game.

Want to have an Archery Tag Birthday Party? Click HERE for details!

*** Important Policy: ALL credit card purchases must present a valid ID that matches the card ***


Bows, foam-tipped arrows and protective mask included in all prices below.

Private Play

8 players or more. Players must be 10 years of age or older.

2 Hour Session (5-7 Missions)
$35 per Player

4 Hour Session (10-16 Missions)
$60 per Player

4 hour sessions are comprised of two 2 hour sessions, with a 30 minute break in between.

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Hours of Operation

Private Play EVERY DAY!Open Play, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pmFor more information about private games, birthday parties, and company events, call 779-279-9838